Thousands of people from over 100 countries have now used this secret SUCCESS FORMULA to CREATE THE LIFE OF THEIR DREAMS.
Many report that they are making money in record time, easier than ever before.
Most people’s brains are broadcasting on the BETA brain wave frequency. This the SLAVE WAVE. It is the POVERTY WAVE.
The Law of Attraction does NOT work if your brain is broadcasting on BETA!
Neuroscientists now believe that billionaires and those who attain their desires and manifest in their lives what they want, have brains that operate in THETA much more than broke people.
Get this “secret” recording and learn HOW to do this FAST!
This “secret” recording was made 20 years ago when a very wealthy man took a small group of selected individuals to a secret location in the Alps, near Switzerland, Austria and Germany.
At this opulent private exclusive location, a 2-day workshop was held.
The secrets of manifesting goals, dreams and desires was methodically taught to the participants. These secrets go way beyond anything taught by the many so-called “Success Gurus” that have flooded the internet. They go far beyond anything taught in the hundreds of “Success Books” available today.
Those who were lucky enough to go through this “success training” were taught how to attract and manifest all their desires. The results have been spectacular.
“I went through this training, and it is BETTER THAN I COULD EVER IMAGINED! I am making more money easier and faster than ever in my life!”
“After going through this training, I used the “technique” to manifest a wonderful relationship.”
“The day I got home from the training, there was a check in my mailbox for $40,000! TOTALLY unexpected!”
You are now being given the opportunity to have INSTANT access to this training that was recorded live at that private retreat.
The Course is called Your Wish Is Your Command: How to manifest your desires.
It is being called the greatest, most powerful “success course” of all time.
Read every word in this message. This message is long. But if you make it to the end, you will learn how to get INSTANT access to the Your Wish is Your Command audio recordings TODAY.
You may have heard about best-selling “success books” like The Secret, which talked about the Law of Attraction, or the popular success classics Think and Grow Rich and The Law of Success.
You might be familiar with Ask and It is Given or Rich Dad/Poor Dad and other success books and courses that promise to teach you how to make millions, be happy and manifest all your desires.
These books and the concept of the Law of Attraction have been talked about on Oprah, CNN, NBC’s The Today Show and written about in Time Magazine, The New York Times, and hundreds of other major international publications.
Major celebrities, famous billionaires and Members of Royal Families have admitted to using the methods in these books to achieve riches and fame.
In the recent Arnold Schwarzenegger documentary on Netflix, Arnold shares how he achieved his amazing success using many of these
powerful and effective success principles.
These books are very good, but all miss many important secret key ingredients that make the information REALLY work and work FAST.
That’s why most people who read those books do not get results or get very limited results. The fact is that there are MISSING KEYS that have been in some cases PURPOSELY OMITTED from these books and others like them!
The gentleman who taught the Your Wish is Your Command private live workshop was a Member of one of the most powerful secret societies in the world, the little-known Brotherhood.
That is where he learned the powerful methods and techniques to manifest goals and dreams. I will call this gentleman “Our Man”.
Secret societies do exist, and many are very famous. The Freemasons; Bohemian Grove; The Bilderberg Group; Yale University’s Skull and Bones, and many others are factual and real.
The existence of these has been proven and documented. The most powerful people in the world are Members.
Presidents of countries, famous celebrities, politicians, Supreme Court Judges, billionaire businessmen, and the people that control virtually everything around the world have admitted they are Members of these and other secret societies.
President Bush and Senator John Kerry have admitted they are Members.
Memberships in these societies are reserved primarily for the privileged elite class, Royalty and their families.
The average guy has no chance of gaining Membership and receiving all the benefits from the knowledge, networking opportunities and associations these societies offer. That is one reason the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer.
In fact, it is believed that the top 500 richest people in the world are all part of a “secret society” or “private exclusive Club”.
The greatest kept secret for attaining wealth and power, for too many reasons to mention here, is being part of a secret society or private exclusive Club.
It is in these “societies and Clubs” where a person gains the true “secrets” to using the power of your mind to create and manifest everything you want in life. They learn how to get their brain to broadcast on THETA, the WEALTH WAVE!
The societies teach their Members how to use their THOUGHTS to “attract” anything and everything they want into their lives.
You can, as Napoleon Hill said, “THINK and GROW RICH”.
The brain is both a receiver and transmitter of frequency.
This is a proven scientific fact today.
You just need to know HOW.
This is why Napoleon Hill’s statement “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve” is scientifically proven to be true.
When you are a Member of these societies you learn secrets of how to obtain incredible wealth, power, luck, control, happiness, romantic love, and even
how to predict the future.
You learn how to CONTROL all situations in your life, and how to make all events turn out for YOUR advantage. You are taught secret knowledge and techniques that could allow you to BE, DO, and HAVE ANYTHING and EVERYTHING YOU WANT.
I know this sounds too good to be true, but it is true and proven today by science.
These secrets, methods, and techniques, WHEN APPLIED CORRECTLY, could possibly make all your dreams come true.
Using these methods could allow you to attain wealth, power, luck, love, romance, dynamic health, happiness and more.
I know you might be skeptical. But what if what I am saying is even partially true? If you don’t read this entire message, you will always think “What if that was true? Did I miss out on an opportunity of a lifetime”?
The secrets in Your Wish is Your Command are never before revealed methods and techniques that teach you how to use the power of your mind to manifest your desires.
These methods go way beyond what is taught in the books Think and Grow Rich, The Law of Success or Ask and It is Given.
You can get INSTANT access to the entireYour Wish Is Your Command
audio recordings TODAY.
You could start seeing amazing results in your life within
one hour after listening to the audio recordings!
Whatever YOUR dreams in life are…. they COULD be achieved.
What others have done; you could do also.
Just don’t let anyone steal your dreams.
Our Man is now willing to share with YOU the entire Your Wish Is Your Command Course and REVEAL to YOU all the knowledge and training he received in the Brotherhood about how to use the power of your mind to manifest everything you want.
These secrets have been kept exclusive to “Members Only” of these secret societies — up until now.
These secrets are SO powerful and work so fast that they amaze all who use them.
I know this sounds unrealistic and too good to be true, but it has been proven to true time and time again by thousands of people just like you.
Imagine having Our Man, PERSONALLY teach YOU how to apply this most powerful secret technology in YOUR life and possibly help you MAKE ALL YOUR DREAMS AND WISHES COME TRUE.
Now, for THE FIRST TIME, someone is willing to teach YOU exactly how to use these powerful secrets in YOUR life and possibly make them
You will learn how to BE, DO or HAVE ANYTHING YOU DESIRE.
-making more money faster than you ever thought possible
-have unlimited power in your personal life
-have the most amazing romantic relationship you could imagine
-have amazing health and vitality
-become lucky in everything you do
-control all people and situations in life
-have the financial freedom to enjoy your life like never before!
Our Man will teach you how to manifest your dreams, so that virtually Your Wish is Your Command.
The techniques and methods worked for him to create a life most people could not even imagine.
Our Man has lived a lifestyle most people only dream about.
His achievements in business, health, romantic relationships, his uncanny luck, and his luxury lifestyle have become legendary.
He has lived an amazing life rivaling anything you’ve ever seen on “Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous.”
The reason I tell you these things is not to brag about this man. It is just to let you know that he knows something you need to know.
If YOU learn what he has been taught and used with spectacular results in his own life, YOU could Be, Do and Have, virtually ANYTHING YOU WANT IN YOUR LIFE!
Who you listen to will determine your success. If you want to be successful, listen to someone who has or had what you want and who has been where you are.
Listen to someone who KNOWS success, not someone who just knows ABOUT success.
There are many “Success Gurus” on the internet. The problem is that none of the people teaching success, WERE successful when they started teaching about success. They all made their money TEACHING other people how to be successful. They NEVER did it themselves.
They know ABOUT success, but they do not KNOW success.
Everything being taught today on “success” or “manifesting”, or the Law of Attraction is “Sound Good THEORY”.
None of it really works in real life.
You know this is true. You have probably read Think and Grow Rich or used some of the “manifesting” and “success” techniques people teach, but you are still not successful.
Our Man is the “real deal”. He was written about in the Wall Street Journal and The Washington Post. He was on the front page of the New York Times and even was featured on CNN, The Today Show on NBC, and many other TV programs.
He was a guest on the Howard Stern Radio Show, FOX, CBS, CNBC and almost every major radio and TV show in the world. The London Times even did a 2-page story on him!
“Our Man” was an international successful businessman. He is not a “motivational speaker” or “success guru” making money selling courses or books on “how to be successful”.
The reason “Our Man” taught and recorded Your Wish Is Your Command is people around him, BEGGED him to teach them the secrets he was using to create massive success.
One of Our Man’s worldwide staff Members came BEGGING to learn his success secrets. This employee wanted to know HOW Our man was so successful.
After three years of begging, Our Man reluctantly decided to teach SOME of the secret knowledge of how to manifest dreams and goals, to this ambitious employee.
These secrets are actually SIMPLE and EASY to learn. But, as the saying goes, “5 minutes to learn, a lifetime to master”. This employee was a quick learner and he started applying these powerful success secrets right away.
Within a year, starting with zilch, this young ambitious enthusiastic employee became a millionaire. You cannot imagine how good Our Man felt seeing another person succeed with this knowledge. It was fantastic.
He decided to teach some of the society’s success secrets to a few other people who were SERIOUS about doing whatever it takes to get a better life and become successful.
Today Our Man is regarded as one of the BEST TEACHERS in the world when it comes to this “Success Training”.
He is being called “The Millionaire Maker”, “The World’s Best Mentor”, and “The #1 Success Coach in the World”.
People now pay him over $100,000 for just a few HOURS of personal training.
He was inducted into the World’s Masters of Business, listed in dozens of editions of “Who’s Who in the World” and was a member of the Masters of Success organization.
He has traveled the world with his friends President Gorbachev, the last president of the Soviet Union as well as General Norman Schwarzkopf.
He was business partners and close personal friends with one of the richest men in Australia.
Our Man was actually paid over 1 million dollars to speak on “success” for just a few hours, to a group of special “insiders”. They saw his value and were willing to pay for it. Do you see his value and how his knowledge can help you?
Our Man can teach YOU the secret, powerful techniques and methods of how to BE, DO and HAVE ANYTHING and
Over 20 years ago, “Our Man” PERSONALLY “told all” and gave the most closely guarded, most powerful, never before released, secret keys to making all a person’s dreams come true in a 2-day event.
He revealed the very same success secrets that the privileged few, the elite of the world, the Members of royal families and the billionaires have used to achieve their wealth and power for centuries.
Our Man invited only 100 people to this 2-day event. Each person had to pay $50,000 to show they were serious.
At the event he gave them the success system that never fails… The master key to riches… The recipe for total success in life… The secret formula, that when applied, would make all a person’s dreams come true.
Our Man would call the 2-day event training “Your Wish Is Your Command: How to Manifest Your Desires”.
By doing this live event, Our Man made the decision to come forward and totally expose his true identity and previous Membership in The Brotherhood.
Our Man PERSONALLY taught these selected 100 people HOW to apply this NEVER BEFORE RELEASED material in their lives so they could start making their dreams come true in record time.
Our Man personally invited this group of 100 people to come to a secret location in the Alps on the Swiss, Austrian, German border. For 2 days Our Man PERSONALLY trained them in person with the “secret success” training he learned from the Brotherhood.
Our Man spent 2 days teaching the “success secrets”, giving the “secret success formula”, the magical recipe for total success in life. He taught them the success system that never fails, the success secrets he learned from being a Member of The Brotherhood.
The information he taught the participants in the 2-day event included some of the greatest kept secrets and most powerful success and
control technologies in the world.
Everyone learned how to turn their brain into the THETA brainwave so they could THINK of what they wanted and it could MANIFEST in their lives!
The entire event was professionally recorded. When the event was over, Our Man then went into the studio, edited the material, and added some important things.
This was a ONCE in a lifetime opportunity for those lucky enough to be in attendance. It has NEVER happened before and will NEVER happen again. This LIVE EVENT was AWESOME to say the least.
Now, you can get INSTANT ACCESS to all the audios of the entire 2-day event conducted by Our Man, RIGHT NOW.
The success training is called “Your Wish Is Your Command:
How to manifest your desires”.
Listening to these recordings will change your life forever. You will never be the same.
It really is the complete recipe for total success in life. It is the master key to riches. It is the success system that never fails. It is the secret formula for manifesting all your goals and dreams.
Over 14 hours of insider “success secrets” can be yours. You can get to listen to EVERY word of the seminar as if you were actually there in person.
You will get to experience ALL the training that others have paid $50,000 for, and you could experience the results in your life like you could not even imagine, for just $500.00.
As I said, you can get full unlimited INSTANT access to the Your Wish is Your Command audios, and listen to them at your convenience, as many times as you want for just $500.00.
You can get INSTANT ACCESS to the entire “Your Wish Is Your Command: How to Manifest Your Desires” audio course, RIGHT NOW.
You get to listen to the ENTIRE Your Wish Is Your Command training for $500.00.
Remember, people paid $50,000 for this training, and you get it for less than $1000.00.
Warren Buffet, one of the richest men in the world, said that rich people invested in personal development BEFORE they were rich.
Buffet pointed out that rich people always invest time and money in themselves by investing in personal development.
Buffet said that unsuccessful people simply are not willing to invest time and money in personal development and that is specifically why they will never be rich. Think about this.
We want your success. We want you to achieve all your goals and dreams.
Get Yours TODAY before this offer ends
This offer is for a LIMITED TIME ONLY
Think about it – how is your life different today than 5 years ago?
Hmmmmm? Not much I bet. Why do you think your life will be different five years from now if you do not do something different today?
I guarantee that the Your Wish Is Your Command recordings can potentially change your life FOREVER. And being a Member of our Club
could make your life better in every aspect.
Get ready to be, do and have anything you want!
Don’t let anyone steal your dreams.
Then you need to listen to Your Wish Is Your Command!
Individual results will vary. There are no guarantees this will work for you. There are no guarantees or promises that you will manifest any of your goals and dreams.
The information on this website and the program described is intended for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for professional medical, psychological, financial, or legal advice. The testimonials, examples, and individual results presented on this website may not be typical and are not intended to guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Your reliance on the information presented on this website is strictly at your own risk. The authors and publishers of this website and the program described disclaim any liability or loss in conjunction with the information and content presented here.